ISF Survey 2022 - G1 Equity Lender results

ISF Survey 2022 - G1 Equity Lender results

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HSBC Securities Services was top in both the unweighted and weighted Group One (G1) equity lending categories overall this year, taking the spot from BNY Mellon which won in 2021. It first appeared in the survey’s top six rankings in 2020. It also won both categories in Europe, the Middle East and Africa
(EMEA), jumping from third place last year and knocking Citi off the first place in the process. However, its scores dropped from last year’s totals.

US-headquartered Citi maintained its second place in the global overall G1 lenders survey in both the unweighted and weighted lists. Citi’s place also remained consistent with 2021’s levels, as the banking group stayed in fourth place in the Americas (jointly with RBC Investor & Treasury Services) and in second place in Asia-Pacific, in both the unweighted and weighted surveys.

BNY Mellon remained the top G1 equity lender in the Americas (unweighted and unweighted categories), winning this category once again this year. It was awarded the same top spot in the Americas region when rated by its largest (G1) clients this year as well. The US lender remained in the top six lenders in Asia-Pacific, and was voted as most innovative tier 1 lender this year.

State Street climbed to fourth place in the global overall unweighted list this year. While it did not feature in the Americas top six rankings this year, it made in appearance in EMEA, moving to the second spots in the
unweighted and weighted categories. The US Group was also first in the unweighted and weighted lists, when ranked by its largest G1 borrowers in EMEA. 

RBC Investor & Treasury Services (RBC I&TS), the only Canadian lender to be featured in the top six, was fifth in the global overall category, from fourth in 2021. Its position was the same among the largest lenders when rated by G1 borrowers. It made an appearance in this year’s Asia-Pacific rankings, taking the third spot in the unweighted and weighted categories. 

BlackRock made an appearance in this year’s top equity lender ranking, landing in sixth position globally. The asset manager also did well in the Americas region (sixth place) and in Asia-Pacific (fourth
spot in the weighted list). However, it was further down the rankings in EMEA.

For a more detailed view of all the winners of the 2022 G1 Equity Lender survey and for all results, please click here to read in the Autumn 2022 edition of the Global Investor magazine. 



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